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What is Flashissue?

Flashissue is an online publishing tool that can help anyone effortlessly find fresh content and create newsletters in minutes.

Designed to eliminate those nasty technical obstacles, we get you creating and sharing newsletters in under 10 minutes - 75% quicker than normal.

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2013 Award For Best Newsletter Campaigns

Every year MarketingSherpa scours the online marketing world for the best and most successful email newsletter campaigns. Heres's the best campaigns from 2012. 

Learn from the best and translate what worked for them to your own campaigns.  Start increasing the effective of your email marketing now. 

We will never sell your email address to any 3rd party or send you nasty spam. Promise.

Get Started Here!

Read the Whitepaper that we're offerig. It's free to download, just fill out our form below!


 Best promotional email campaign

 Best audience engagement

 Best personalization & segmentation strategy

 Best audience list growth campaign

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